Transformation Package


✓ Full coaching journey
✓ Online (Zoom or another preferred platform)
✓ One fully personalised Recording
✓ Support following the session (35 days)
✓ Integration Call
✓ Special Introductory Offer for €350


This Transformation Package has been designed to help you:

● Gain awareness over the real root cause of emotional and mental blockages which keep you stuck
● Let go of pent up emotions
● Reframe your understanding of the issue
● Transform your thought patterns and beliefs so that they best serve you
● Create a sustainable and successful mindset

What happens during the Main Session?
✓ I will guide you to a deeply relaxing, meditative state in which you will be able to easily access your subconscious mind.
✓ You will access your earlier memories (most clients go back to events from their childhood) and experiences that are directly linked to the issue you want to solve.
✓ By going through a powerful and RTT® specific questioning technique, you will identify the true reason behind the beliefs that keep you stuck. You will gain a truly deep, permanent understanding of yourself and the thought patterns that have been influencing you and your behaviour.
✓ Once the full understanding has been reached, I will help you to permanently change and redesign the old thought patterns that keep you stuck.
✓ Using RTT® tools, we will release the limiting beliefs, let go of the negative emotions and give the power back to you to install positive thought patterns.
✓ At the end of the session, I will make a unique, personal recording which reinforces the new, positive thought patterns and beliefs.

IMPORTANT: Your motivation and willingness to make the change happen is key to this process. It’s essential that you feel ready and committed to put in the effort. During our journey together I will be providing you with personally tailored guidance and resources to help you create the change you desire and make it sustainable. The session and the recording act like a catalyst for change and set you on the right path, and ultimately you are in the driver’s seat to push the process forward.